Remember the Heinz Ketchup commercials. It talks about the anticipation of waiting for the ketchup to come out of the bottle is worth the wait. One of their commercials are below if you haven’t seen it.
Well, I have anticipation. I’m waiting to see who the 2009 Tomorrow’s Technician and Chicago Pneumatic Tools “School of the Year” is. I found out today that Tomorrow’s Technician had narrowed it down to the four finalist. Then the finalists were sent to Chicago Pneumatic. Unfortunately, the four final schools have not been announced yet. We’ll have to wait until the School of the Year has been named to learn who the winner and runner-up schools are. So, for this round, we’ll just have to wait.
I hope this story ends like the Heinz commercial; it’s worth the wait. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear who the winners are. They said we may hear something by the end of next week.
All good things are worth waiting for…. I hope your school makes the final list cause I like what I see and hear about it
Good Luck!