I want to tell you a strange story that happened to me yesterday morning. I had just dropped my kids of at school and was on my way to
After getting to work it started to snow, which led to more accidents throughout the day. I was watching the news this morning and I believe it said that there had been over 400 accidents called in, in
Here are some tips to help you drive on the ice and snow, so that you can spend your holiday season safely at home with your family. Driving Tips
Use a small butane torch to remove small dents from a body panel.
~Sam Moser – BCC Student
“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”
~Henry Ford
What is the first step before starting any collision repair?
Good Tips, We will all have at least one close call with a deer this year. I think Fernando and Saul already almost hit one this year. Before you start any collision repair you need to wash the surface with soup and water. If you skip this process you risk major problems down the line in your repairs.
Awesome! Donnie