The orange Ranger pick-up in the photo above belongs to collision repair student Brett Streeter. (left side) Brett and Scott Wheeler (right side) along with other students in the class repaired and repainted the pick-up this semester. This is one of several jobs they both worked on. As you can see, the pick-up looks awesome and Brett is ready to take it home to show his friends.
Brett lives in Derby, Kansas and commutes to the El Dorado campus to attend the Collision Repair Program at BCC. I asked Brett what he enjoyed most while attending Butler and he indicated he enjoyed learning how to paint. Brett plans to follow his passion by becoming a preper for the paint department at Cessna Aircraft. He eventually wants to become a painter that paints the airplanes for them. Brett graduates from the collision repair program May 17, 2008, and plans to pursue his career goals at that time.
Scott Wheeler lives in El Dorado, Kansas. Scott is another student that attends the Collision Repair Program. I also asked Scott what he liked the most about the program. He indicated that he liked learning how to perform the body work on cars. Scott is currently employed by John K Fishers, a Buick dealership, in El Dorado. Scott graduates May, 17, 2008. He plans to work for John K Fisher full time as a collision repair technician after he graduates.
These two students are well on their way to successful and rewarding careers. I wish the best for these students, as they deserve the best.
Other things going on around the collision repair program…
Many of the BCC students are wrapping up for the break. However, they’ll be back in August to complete the two year certificate or degree program that Butler offers.
Andrew is mixing primer. 2K or two component primers must be measured precisely to avoid problems. Improperly mixed primers or paints will result in a number of problems.
Jenni is setting up the Kansas Jack frame machine. Before a vehicle can have any structural repairs performed, the vehicle must be anchored to the frame machine. Then measurements can be made to determine the extent of the damage.
Devin is clear coating his hood panel. He repaired some damage the hood had and he is now in the process of applying the finial finish.
All projects are being completed before the summer break. The students are excited that they have completed their first year of the collision repair program. This takes commitment and hard work to achieve. Not every student that starts the program can say that they completed the program.
Be sure to check back with us. We’ll keep you updated with what is going on at the Collision Repair program at Butler Community College.
Great job Donnie! The one thing I would do is to allow anonymous people add comments. Some prospective students can ask you questions that way and you can respond. I would make sure that all comments were first approved by you so you can filter through them. You could also have current students add positive comments to add publicity for your program.
Thanks Judy, I got that changed. You’re right, I want to make it easy for prospective students to be able to comment.